Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Where's the zipper on this thing?

You know how you feel after you've eaten way too much food and the waistband of your pants is really tight and uncomfortable? If you're in a casual setting (or hidden behind a table) you can unbutton and unzip your pants for some immediate relief. Ahhhhhh!

Well, that's how I feel now. Except it's my belly that's too tight, not my pants. And I have no way to unzip it. Ugh.

I'm also running into the next stage of maternity pants trouble. Early in pregnancy, most maternity pants don't fit me because they are too baggy in the hips, thighs and butt. They slide right off. Now that I've finally filled out enough to hold the pants up relatively well, my belly pushes them down. I think I need to start wearing suspenders.

OK, enough whining from me! I'm actually feeling pretty good overall, though I do feel like I'm HUGE now. I'm back to gaining weight, just in time to impress and/or shock my OB. As of this morning, I've already gained nearly as much as I did during my entire pregnancy with hilltot. And I still have a whole trimester to go. Way to go, me!

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