Friday, April 17, 2009

Belly pic: 23 weeks

Here I am at 23 weeks! Still chugging along, feeling pretty much as exhausted as I did during the first trimester. I'm not sure if I'm getting more anemic or if gestational diabetes is starting to creep in, but I hit a serious wall every day around 11:30 AM and then again around 6:30 PM. Nowadays I don't even try to catch up with anything during hilltot's naps -- I can barely make it to the couch before I'm asleep myself.

I've also started to think about things we need to do to prepare for this baby. Luckily, we don't need to purchase very much -- we'll be able to reuse hilltot's infant car seat, co-sleeper, and his newborn clothes since we didn't know his gender either and thus have a fair amount of gender-neutral clothing. And if babyhill is a boy, we'll have plenty of clothes for him for a long time!

I'm trying to think of what we'll need doubles of, and so far it seems like a short list: baby monitor, car seat protector, infant diapers, high chair (eventually). I've been looking at the various sit-n-stand stroller options and I like the Joovy Ultralight, but I haven't talked myself into it yet. I plan to use my various carriers a lot with babyhill so that I can push hilltot in his umbrella stroller when we're making quick trips to the store or running errands, but I know that snapping the infant car seat into the stroller is awfully convenient when you don't want to wake a sleeping baby. Then do I put hilltot on my back? Because he'll still be a little too young to walk with me (he'll be ~21 months old). I have no idea. Any suggestions? A lot of people have recommended the Phil & Ted's double stroller, which looks like a really great stroller, but it's a bit more than we're looking for from both a functional and financial perspective. I'm thinking more of the equivalent of a Snap-n-Go -- something to keep in the trunk of my car and use for quick trips. For longer walks, I'll put hilltot in the BOB and carry babyhill in a carrier.

Also, please feel free point out any glaring omissions in my short list of things to get. It seems like an awfully short list. I know I must be missing something really important.

1 comment:

Robin Baldwin said...

Here's my 2 cents about the stroller -- We had a BOB when we just had one child, we then sold it on Craig's List(for only a little less than we paid for it) and bought the Phil & Ted's, which we loved and still love. Our girls are 20 months apart -- about the same as your kiddos will be. At 20 months with an infant, I still definitely wanted Lily strapped in.