Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Non jamais vu

At this time during my pregnancy with hilltot, I was having contractions 3-4 minutes apart and was on the phone arguing with the doctor that I was NOT in labor because I had another month to go. The doctor won, we went to the hospital, and hilltot was born 12 hours later.

Right now, I am drinking a chocolate malt from Red Mill and not having contractions. Thus, I am feeling really confident that we will make it at least longer than we did with hilltot. If we can just get past tomorrow, then we will have passed hilltot's gestational time, we will have avoided the solar eclipse (which according to some cultures is a very bad time to have a baby), and the baby will be a Leo instead of a Cancer. Plus, we will be one short day away from being full term.

We can do it!


Deborah said...

You can totally do it! Go team Babyhill!

Margaret said...

Of all the things you wrote in this post, what sticks out in my mind is "chocolate malt from Red Mill Burger." Yummmmmmm